
15+ Expert Tips to Declutter Your Home and Transform Your Space

I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was tired of looking at the clutter around me.

On that Saturday morning, I looked around my living room at the stacks of old magazines, clothes I never wear, and tons of little tchotchkes and trinkets and I felt my sanity slipping away.

The clutter in my home was starting to add unnecessary stress to my already hectic life.

I wanted to come home to a peaceful, organized oasis that would allow me to rejuvenate and renew myself.

So I embarked on a mission to declutter my home and create the haven I deserved.

This is going to be a process, not a magic solution. But I’m excited to share it with you! We can learn from each other and from some really intelligent people who have gone before us.

I am not alone. There are thousands of people out, there who are struggling with the burden of clutter in their homes. We can do this. We just need the proper tools to declutter our homes and take back our lives.

In this post, I’m going to give you 15+ tips from experts to help, you declutter your home and transform your space.

I’ll wrap it up with a declutter your home checklist to help you implement each step of your decluttering journey.

Let’s do this!

Understanding Clutter – Why It Happens

Before we jump into our tips, I want to address one big question…Why do we have clutter in the first place?

There are many reasons why we hold onto unwanted items.

Sometimes it’s an emotional attachment; other times it’s just easier to add on to what you already have than it is to go through the hassle of getting rid of it.

Maybe you just don’t have the time to properly go through your spaces and organize them, or perhaps you just don’t have an effective organizational arrangement in place.

Whatever your reasons may be, it’s important to recognize them so you can get on your way to a more organized home.

The Declutter Your Home Checklist

Declutter Your Home Checklist

Making a checklist is a game changer, for decluttering. It gives you a clear plan and breaks, the task into manageable steps. Here’s a straightforward, checklist to help you start your decluttering journey:

declutter your home checklist

1. Use the Four-Box Method

On four separate boxes, label each one “Keep”, “Donate”, “Trash” and “Relocate”.

Begin working through your home room by room, as you come across items you will place them in the appropriate labeled box.

This will not only make the decision-making process simple but it will keep you organized while you work.

By sorting the items into the four boxes, you’ll visually see the items you’re getting rid of which is extremely motivating and encouraging as you work through the process.

The Four-Box Method also holds you accountable for the items you’re attempting to declutter by making you evaluate each piece and its purpose in your life, ensuring you only keep what is useful to you.

2. Use the 12-12-12 Challenge

12-12-12 Challenge

Make a list of 12 things to throw away, 12 to donate, and 12 to put back where they belong.

This activity is quick, fun, and can make a huge impact on, your home without becoming overwhelming or stressful.

It’s a great way to get everyone in the family involved as you tackle the clutter, in your home.

The 1212-12 Challenge is effective because it’s easy to find 12 things in each category and it’s not as overwhelming or boring to work on for a long time.

It’s also fun to see immediate results and it feels really good to toss junk and donate items that could benefit others.

3. Set a goal and a timer.

Set a goal and a timer.

Set a timer and declutter for a set time each day. Even if it’s just 15 minutes, you’ll be amazed at the progress you’ll make if you dedicate that amount of time each day to the task.

Set the timer and work like you would if the power was going to go out in 15 minutes and you had to get all your chores done before it was gone.

That way you won’t burn out, you’ll just work the time and take a break.

This is helpful if you’re a busy person, who may not have large chunks of time to dedicate to an afternoon of decluttering. Do a little each day and you’ll get there eventually.

Doing a small amount each day is much more effective than spending one day decluttering and then the next day forgetting about it and not wanting to tackle it again. Set a timer and get to it. The important, thing is to keep consistent!

4. Follow the One-In, One-Out Rule


every new thing you bring in, you must take an old thing out.

This is an important rule because it prevents the accumulation of clutter and encourages a mindful approach to your shopping habits.

With this rule in place, you will never accumulate more belongings than your storage capacity allows – so your home will always feel balanced and comfortable according to your level of ‘enjoyable fullness’.

It will also make you much more thoughtful about what you bring into your home – you will look more closely at an item’s true value before making a purchase, and weigh up its importance in your life.

Ask yourself, “Can I take care of it easily? Will I use it? Will it add value to my home and life?”

If the answer is “no,” then let it go.

5. Declutter Sentimental Items Last

Declutter Sentimental Items Last

Begin with the easier items so you can build up your stamina and get stronger.

Leave the sentimental items for when you are more equipped and able to decide with ease.

Sentimental objects are most times accompanied by intense emotions and feelings which makes it difficult to let them go.

Beginning with the easier items will boost your confidence and give you a sense of achievement.

By the time you get to the sentimental belongings, you’ll have known what you want in your life and get rid of anything that doesn’t benefit you in any way.

6. Digital Declutter

Ultimate Guide to Digital Decluttering

Don’t forget about your digital space. Organize your files, delete unnecessary, emails, and clean up your desktop.

Just like your physical space, your digital world can get cluttered too, causing distractions and inefficiencies.

Regularly organizing your digital files and emails helps, you quickly find what you need, reducing frustration and saving time.

Plus, a tidy digital workspace can boost, your overall sense of order and control.

A digital declutter can improve your productivity and reduce stress making it easier to focus, on your tasks and enjoy your work.

So, take some time to keep your digital life in check.

7. Organize by Category, Not Location

Organize by Category  for declutter

Gather all items from a specific category, like books or clothes, and sort them together.

This way, you can see everything, you own and make better decisions about what to keep.

Organizing by category, a method popularized by Marie Kondo gives you a clear view of your belongings.

It helps prevent duplicates and ensures you keep only what you need and love.

This approach also makes the decluttering process, smoother since you’re dealing with similar items at once.

It makes it easier, to find efficient storage solutions and helps, you stay organized.

8. Utilize Vertical Space

Utilize Vertical Space

Utilize shelves and hooks to create more floor space.

There are many ways to keep your home organized and functional even with the small space you have. You just have to think vertical.

There are many ways to maximize your storage without compromising the walking areas in your home.

You can have shelves, hooks, and tall storage that will allow you to reach things easily while keeping your home clean and organized.

This is very helpful if you are living in an apartment, studio, or any small space you call your own which has limited floor space.

9. Invest in Multi-Functional Furniture

Opt for furniture pieces that provide extra storage such as ottomans and beds with drawers.

Multi-tasking furniture will help you make the most of your space and help you manage clutter by making your home more efficient.

Any furniture that can perform more than one function is a great way to keep your house in order.

A coffee table with hidden storage can neatly tuck away living room necessities while a bed with integrated drawers can not only hold extra linens but also clothes too.

These types of functional furniture will allow you to de-clutter your room without, compromising on style and comfort.

10. Create a Drop Zone

Set up a spot near the entrance for your keys, bags, and daily essentials.

This way, clutter won’t spread throughout your home and you can easily find what you need.

An organized drop zone keeps everything in one place, helping the rest of your home stay tidy.

Use hooks for keys, a tray for mail, and a bench with storage for shoes.

This simple, setup can make, a big difference.

By keeping this, routine you’ll make your daily comings and goings smoother, reduce stress, and maintain a more orderly home.

11. Regularly Purge Your Wardrobe

Organize Your Clothes Often

Try the seasonal approach for your wardrobe: if you haven’t worn something in a year, it’s time to let it go.

Regularly cleaning out your closet helps you keep only the clothes you love and wear.

Checking your wardrobe each season keeps you in touch with your style and prevents overcrowding.

Donate or sell items that are still in good shape to give them a new home and make space for clothes that fit your current preferences.

Keeping your wardrobe simple and curated makes getting dressed easier and helps maintain a clutter-free space.

12. Simplify Your Kitchen

Get rid of duplicates and things you hardly use. Having clear countertops makes your kitchen, more practical and welcoming.

A clutter-free kitchen not only enhances your cooking, experience but also simplifies cleaning.

Begin by going through your appliances, utensils, and pantry items, and tossing out anything broken or expired.

Then, organize what’s left in a way that’s easy to reach and use.

With an orderly kitchen, you’ll find meal prep more, enjoyable and encourage healthier eating habits. A neat kitchen is a happy kitchen!

13. Involve the Whole Family

Let’s get everyone involved in decluttering! It’s a chance to show the kids the importance of staying, organized and letting go of things we don’t need.

When we all chip in, keeping our home tidy becomes much simpler.

Assign tasks that suit each family member’s age, and turn decluttering into a fun activity we can enjoy together.

This not only makes the job easier but also teaches, teamwork and responsibility.

Plus, by teaching kids these skills, early on we’re setting them up for a lifetime of staying organized and in control.

14. Implement a Paper System

Conquer Paper Clutter: Simplify Your Space Today! 📄✂️

Handle mail and papers as they come in. Have a filing system for important papers and regularly shred what you don’t need.

Paper clutter is one of the easiest burdens to pile on yourself if you don’t handle it regularly. Establish a filing and storing system for papers that come into your home.

Bills, receipts, personal papers, and more all have expiration dates so you no longer need to keep the hard copy.

Have specific places to stash each type of paper and go through them periodically to get rid of what’s no longer needed.

You can prevent paper clutter from overwhelming you and your home by regularly handling it as it comes.

15. Reflect on Purchases

Reflect on Purchases

Before you make a purchase, ask yourself if it will bring value into your life. Don’t buy items on impulse that you may like at the moment but will eventually just create more clutter for you to deal with in the future.

This will allow you to keep your home organized and clutter-free. When you make wise decisions when purchasing items for your home, you’re in control of what you want and don’t need in your space.

When you’re shopping, ask yourself these questions: Do I need this item? or am I buying this on impulse?

Be picky and very intentional when purchasing items for your home to avoid bringing in objects that will only create more clutter.

Not only are you saving money by making smarter purchases, but you’re also creating more financial savings and sustainability.

16. Create a Cleaning Routine

Create a Cleaning Routine for declutter

Regular cleaning will prevent the mess. Create a cleaning schedule to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Dividing the work into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks will help you to keep your home always clean and clutter-free.

A cleaning schedule ensures that every corner of your home is cleaned regularly and helps to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating in your home.

Examples of daily tasks may be making your bed as soon as you get up and putting away dishes after you use them. Weekly tasks may include vacuuming and dusting.

Monthly cleaning may include working on a large cleaning project.

When you divide the cleaning into smaller time intervals, you can keep your home clean and clutter-free with less time and stress.

What are some tips for maintaining a clutter-free home?

5 Simple Tips for a Clutter-Free Home

1. Regularly Review Your Belongings

Every few months, go through your stuff to keep clutter in check and ensure you only keep items you use and love. This habit keeps your home organized and tidy.

2. Stay Mindful of New Purchases

Adopt a mindful approach to shopping. Before buying something new, ask yourself if it adds real value, to your life or if it’s just an impulse buy.

3. Develop Good Daily Habits

Simple daily habits like making your bed, doing the dishes after meals, and putting things back where they belong can greatly help in keeping your home clean and tidy.

4. Involve Your Family

Encourage everyone in your household to participate in maintaining a clutter-free environment. Assign age-appropriate tasks to children and make it a family effort.

5. Set Up a Maintenance Routine

Establish a routine for regularly tidying up your home. This can include daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to ensure that your home, stays clutter-free.

6. Limit Surfaces for Display

Keep flat surfaces like countertops, tables, and desks free of clutter. This makes your home look more organized and makes, cleaning easier. A clear space is a tidy space.

7. Donate Regularly

Keep a donation box in a convenient location and make it a habit to add items you no longer need or use. Donate regularly to keep clutter from building up.

8. Use Storage Solutions

Use bins, baskets, and shelves to keep your, things organized. Labeling these storage containers can help you maintain, order and easily find what you need. Good storage solutions make a big difference.

9. Practice the One-In, One-Out Rule

When you bring a new item into your home, get rid of an old one. This helps prevent clutter and encourages, you to think carefully about what you buy and keep.

10. Schedule Decluttering Sessions

Set specific times for decluttering sessions. Whether it’s once a month or seasonally, having scheduled sessions ensures you keep your space in check.

Conclusion: Declutter your Home Checklist | Embrace the Transformation

Decluttering your home is more than just cleaning up; it’s about making a space that, feels good and inspires you.

By following these expert tips and using a declutter your home checklist, you’ll be on your way to turning, your living space into the calm, organized haven you’ve always wanted.

Remember, creating a clutter-free home, takes time, so don’t rush.

Take it step by step, and enjoy the process of reclaiming your space and your peace of mind.

Each small effort brings you closer to a more, serene and organized home.

FAQ: Declutter your Home Checklist

Questions about decluttering? Here’s a simple checklist to help you get started.

Q1. How do I decide what to keep and what to discard?

Ans: Ask yourself:

Have I used this item in the past year?
Does it bring me joy or serve a practical purpose?
Can I easily replace it if needed?
Is it broken or damaged beyond repair?
Does it fit my current lifestyle?

Q2. What about paperwork and documents?

Ans: Go through your papers and organize them into groups like bills, important papers, and receipts. Get rid of old papers by shredding or recycling them. If you can, scan important documents to save them digitally.

Q3. How do I declutter clothes?

Ans: Take out all your clothes from the closet and drawers. Try on each piece and think about if it fits, if you love it, and if you’ve worn it lately. Donate or sell what you don’t need.

Q4. What’s the best way to organize after decluttering?

Ans: Get storage solutions like bins, baskets, and drawer dividers. Keep similar things together, like all socks in one drawer and all cleaning supplies in one cabinet. Label containers so you can find things easily.

Q5. What should I do with items that are still in good condition?

Ans: Consider donating to charities, selling online, or giving to friends and family.

Declutter Your Home Like a Pro: Checklist Guide

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